Thursday, January 13, 2011

New Year ,New Life

This is the year of a metal rabbit,2011. This year I'm hopping to have a new life . I'm hopping to be more responsible and a better person. More responsible because for my future and I like to achieve my goals and aspiration in life.
The last one that brought me greatly magnificent things and absolutely horrible things; unforgettable experiences that I’m sure I’ll laugh about… eventually. The last year brought me a bag of lessons that I hope I will be able to apply and remember as the New Year progresses. I made mistakes and hurt people which I will do my best never to do again.
At the start of January, I have no plans for the whole year. I have no New Years Resolution. But then, the following days, I have thought of the changes and my plans I'm going to make the whole year. I want to change my attitudes and my life. That's all thank you.

1 comment:

  1. its nice to know that your thinking and hoping that your gonna be a better man in this year :)
    ok !! just have your determination for you to achieve all your goals in the sake of your future . i wish you luck .
